Monday, July 3, 2023

FAILED Pirate Cosplay Clips

 Some Other Clips of Pirate Cosplay stuff that kinda FAILED.... 


Pirate Wench Film Footage DEMO REEL: Pirate Pebbs N Marshall Kändiß

 Film footage shot at the 2012 Marcus Hook Pirate Festival

 I WISH THEY HAD MORE KLIPS of Pirate Pebbs!!!!!

The YouTubeShorts Version


Watch on TikTok

The Film on IMDb

Watch The Film

Treasure — The Story of Marcus Hook (Trailer) from Awen Films on Vimeo.

Monday, March 1, 2021

FlamePainter Edits 001

 I've been playing with this software, FlamePainter 4 since last year:

I shot these photos years ago on my old camera which was a lot of guess work and strategy, so I didn't know how they would all turn out  until after I shot the photos. So, the compositions were never perfect.
Enchanting Pirate Dance 003 Rainbow by 任思麒 Kandice Zimbleman on

Now I can balance out the scenes with effects.

Saturday, June 16, 2018

TV Show FiIming Test Footage in South Field

Well, South Field is now called Union Point, but whatever....

I went there to shoot some test footage and I bloated up so much without eating anything but a handful of green beans and water. By the time I left my house I felt pregnant! Stinkin' Hormones!

Anyways, I still had not received my paychecks from my videography contractor work over a month ago, so even tho' I'm producing some TV show content, I can;t afford to even meet with people, because transportation isn't free, and neither is coffee. I'd been doing visual effects editing all week, and most of last week as well, on the After life scene from "The Holy Maple Tree" which is my friend's film.

Anyways, I have multiple new lenses now, but I don;t have a camera man, nor a model on hand... so I have myself. It was cold most of the month, but today the heat came on full force, and so did the haze & humidity. My makeup was perfect, but I had to pack up everything, and fit it into a wheeled luggage case and walk there all by myself.

As always, male human beings frequently shout at me when I'm shooting. Honestly, dudes, ur not clever, nor funny. Just rude.

The was an event at the old Naval Airbase Aircraft Hanger now named "The Hang Out", but I'm broke. I would've gone over at night, but I was so tapped out of energy by the multiple takes, that eventually I had to sit on the grass in the shade once the thick haze blue away and the full sunlight came out by 7:30 PM. It was so hot, and my makeup, which was originally perfect, felt like it was melting off of me.

First take during the haze on my favorite old Kit lens:

Vintage 1972 FD CANON Lens 

This lens is supposed to be the same as my old kit lens, but it's the new one, and it actually has a wider shot range, and focuses differently. I prefer the look of human faces on the old one, but this one is better for filming, generally...

The haze passes and the sun is full shine.