Showing posts with label 2012. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2012. Show all posts

Monday, July 3, 2023

Monday, March 30, 2015

I'm In Black Beard's Pirate Film!

Corset Deal

Back in 2012, I went to the Marcus Hook (PA) Pirate Festival, but unfortunately had to leave early due to my spouse's social anxieties, and despite being ultra popular and invited to all sorts of parties, invite only events, and more, my spouse was hell-bent on going to NYC ruining everything for me, plus, I also had tickets to see "Beats Antique" about a week later and couldn't. The fact that I'd just been canned from job was leverage enough for my spouse to stronghold me into doing whatever he wanted.

I knew there was a film being shot, that entire weekend for Blackbeard's documentary film. But, I'd really barely heard any updates on it, you would think I would. But, then it was suggested that the footage of myself and Pirate Pebbs might not have been included, so I guess I figured that was maybe why no one really notified me about it. I also had trouble narrowing down where to find any info on it back in 2012-2013, and eventually just forgot about it. (But, if you know me, I can find ANYTHING. if it's in the public domain, or even if it's hidden, I will ALWAYS find it.

Like most events I go to in costume, especially with Pirate Pebbs, so much stuff occurs that my entire memory of events is a blur. So much happened at Comic Con that year that I can barely recall anything at all. As for the Pirate festival, I remember strutting around with Pirate Pebbs and Black Beard, and doing interviews, posing for so many photos, and also hobnobbing with several groups, troops, and being followed by flirty Pirates, or bunches & bunches of children fans. I also did everything entirely sober, even tho' I was invited to exclusive drinking parties that evening, I was totally dry..... but, I was drinking at a big pub party the evening before with Black Beard.

Well, it suffices to say, I found the trailer to the film, and also found the website.

And, I actually made it into the Trailer!
You can see me live improv' dancing!

Sexy Costumes From Anytime Costumes
I actually still haven't seen the film yet. I just found it this afternoon!
The Film is Called "Treasure; The Story of Marcus Hook"

The website for the film is HERE
No, it isn't free.
Plus Size Lingerie Boutique
Tokyo Otaku Mode Inc.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Pyrate Marshall Kändiß Wins 1st Place Drink n Draw Contest at Philly Comic Con 2012 BUT NEVER GETS A PRIZE

Wizard World Philadelphia Comic Con held a contest called "Drink n' Draw" (hosted by Tommy Castillo) at night, which was 21 & older crowd.

I attended with Pirate Pebbs.  It was her idea, and she was VERY MUCH looking forward to that event!

The point of the contest, was to...
um... well, not sure... you get really drunk, supposedly... but, it's not necessarily free, unless you want beer, u can get a voucher....

(*not a beer drinker*)

-before the contest takes place, there was a very long winded lecture, which started out sounding good... but, then became more opinion based. -and, then, drinking became encouraged... after which, I recall not so clearly...

I wasn't all that drunk,  I think I had 2-3 drinks, which were mostly ice, and it was SOOOO HOT in there, that I kept sweating profusely...

I entered into the armature  category, because I'm not technically a pro-penciler... but I DID work at TOP COW (Image Comics) on Witchblade (and other books) for Digital Colorist Assistant in 2005 for almost 3 months, as an unpaid intern.(Not the same thing... since I STINK at arcetecture, and 3 point perspective, and I cannot draw machines, like cars, motorcycles, or ships.)

 There were several rules, which were weird, and I recall doing my sketch. Since I was rather out of practice for sketching, I was thinking:

OMG! I'm so glad I'm NOT going to win, because I NEVER want anyone to see how HORRIBLE this sketch is!

Then, next thing I knew, I WON (First Place), and I was like: OOOOOOH NOOOOOO!!!!! 

Because that means EVERYONE had to look at it!
Not only that, but I had to stand up IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE ROOM AND SHOW IT!
AND have my photo taken!


 I had to wait until the end of the event to find out just what my prize was, with the other winners.

Finally, the event ended, everyone left, and he leans over us, dripping sweat onto me (physically literally), and he tells us that our prize is a free customized piece of art from him, and he sounds very very excited about it.

But, I had to wait until Sunday...

Sunday comes, I go over to his dealer area, and wait, and wait, and wait... Then, his wife aknowleges me... and I wait, and wait, and wait...
-meanwhile, he shows-up, ignores me, then acts like he notices me, sells more stuff, then finally comes over and talks to me.

He vacillates back and forth between acting very happy about me there, then annoyed that I'm there, and rushes to sell more stuff, or to have his people sell stuff, then goes over to the side to chat with people.

Finally, he wants to have a photo with me, or the sketch, or with his booth, but he keeps getting distracted. Still vacillating from really happy about me, to annoyed about me.

Um... so, you no like me???  ¬_¬

This took FOREVER...
-meanwhile he must've sold hundreds of dollars worth of stuff (I guess he's got a mortgage to pay), and his wife keeps emphasizing that "this was published", "this was also published", "it was published too" to customers... so, I don't know if it's 'cause she's so hot, or because somehow "published" must be some kinda "buzz word" to help impulse buying.


But, that doesn't work for anyone else I know, and  I've had friends from Top Cow do Comic Conventions in LA, and to my knowledge never said stuff like that. In fact, no one I know ever says that either. I mean, I've been published, my classmates have been published. *shrugs* 
*scratches head* Maybe last century that used to help sell stuff at Cons. 
(Not trying to throw another fellow artist under the bus, but: HUH??)


Finally, he declares that his wife will get my information, and that he'll contact me by e-mail that month.

She blows me off, ignores me, but smiles at me... sells more stuff... other winners show up... same deal...

*scratches head*

Time passes, and then she tells someone else to take our information...

*Waiting, waiting, waiting*

 What an awkward experience!

To this day I have NEVER received ANY PRIZE AT AL EVER!


I get the feeling Tommy Castillo doesn't really like me.

Little known fact: Kändiß actually worked at Top Cow (Image Comics) on an unpaid internship in 2005, but for Colorist Assistant working on "Witchblade". But she's not considered a "penciler" nor a pro cartoonist/comic book artist.

Her real name is Kandice Kathleen Zimbleman (Wang) and often publishes under the alias "Black UniGryphon" (BlackUniGryphon).

My creddits in Whitchblade 85 by ~BlackUniGryphon on deviantART

Kandice Also won 2 Medals from NASA First Place In the State of New Jersey for 2 paintings. (The 1st painting is missing.)

My 2 Medals From NASA by ~BlackUniGryphon on deviantART

Jaguar Enigma: NASA Painting by ~BlackUniGryphon on deviantART

Kandice also had her artwork exhibited in Congress as a teenager.

Eyewitness Congressional 1995 by ~BlackUniGryphon on deviantART

Kandice had been published in the 2001 Con Book for AnthroCon, and has been a dealer in 2002, as well as in the Artist Alley. She is mostly known for fantasy & exotic & Orientalism art (Unicorns & Griffins mostly), but is very eclectic. She has also done live portraits in Greater Boston in several malls in pastels & charcoals, and has also worked on animation projects for: NOGGIN, HBO FAMILY, PBS, and Nick Jr.

Soccer Gryphon 3 of 3 PRINT by ~BlackUniGryphon on deviantART

Descending Gryphon COLOR by ~BlackUniGryphon on deviantART

Vexed Black Unicorn by ~BlackUniGryphon on deviantART

Diving Unicorn Color Version by ~BlackUniGryphon on deviantART

Wu Dujiao Qilin Cloud Strider by ~BlackUniGryphon on deviantART

Festival Stage Belly Dancer by ~BlackUniGryphon on deviantART

Dragon Princess Color by ~BlackUniGryphon on deviantART

Clowning Around With Artist Robert Quill Philly Comic Con 2012

Horsing Around With Artist Robert Quill Philly Comic Con 2012!

Wow! Some folks are REALLY friendly to fans!

He's a Pirate too! 

Photographs by Pirate Pebbs @ Robert Quill's Dealer Table.
Real friendly around here!

-guess I really got carried away... literally...

No, seriously... Robert Quill is always in character!

 Pirate Pebbs with Artist Robert Quill!

I think I shot this on Pebbs' camera *shrugs*

 Kids like pirate artists too!
Guess the kids can get carried away too!

Dashing artist/pirate Robert Quill with Pirate Pebbs. Wow, he's really something!

*fan sigh*

He looks good in ANY photo!

You can find artwork by Robert Quill here.

More Philly Comic Con 2012

Wow! I keep finding all kinds of photos from Wizard World Philadelphia Comic Con 2012!

They are photographed form a whole bunch of folks.

I can't remmeber who photographed what!

Wow, I can see how very very stressed I wash. Not much sleep, very bloated. Really painful the entire Con. I was also having an allergic reaction to some food I ate.

 Kändiß (dressed-down final day) with Elisa Lau (Pinkimoon), and Pirate Pebbs.

With Pro Photographer & former mutual AMC co-worker: Steve Marcus.

Pebbs borrowed my red 25-yards gypsy skirt. I also made the hip-scarf/belt. She helped me finance it a year or 2 before. I told her she could borrow the skirt anytime she wanted.

And she did! XD Ha!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

A Wicked Foggy Spring Night For Pirating in New England 2012

Marshall Kändiß The Pyrate out at night being wicked in the New England fog!

Up to mischief in the Spring time!

Halloween 2012 with Daughter

Pyrate Marshall Kändiß with Killer Bunny Daughter in Costume