So.... let me get this strait....
You're openly, and publicly (within your sphere of "friends") going out of your way to ask attention of EVERYONE about your personal issue, and including your own opinions and feelings (yet still undecided) while really making a show of it...
But, you end your statement on the (in your opinion) controversial matter with a
threat that you will cut all ties, relationships, connections, in a sort of excommunication (if you will) if any person is being "negative" in their responses?
Is that right?
Like relationship hostages, or something?
I'm assuming you don't mean the "f" word, or other 4 letter words.... right?
I see.... what you mean is you don't want people to be
honest with you.... and you want them to tell them what you
want to hear, but arbitrarily decide if you like something, and if you don't like it, then you arbitrarily decide it's "negative"...
So, all dissenting voices would be "negative"...
How many folks have fallen for that so far?
You're aiming to dump several, right? Like
Well, I suppose,
logically, if you preferred living in your own little bubble, or your own little world, one in which everyone answers to your whims and all... then that makes loads of sense...
But, you realize that it means you're pretty much training everyone to lie to you to pacify you... and, once they've become accustomed to lying to you, it'll go farther...
Just be sure that when it comes out that everyone's lying to you all along, to appease your threats, whims, and moods, if you actually have the gall to feel upset, surprised, shocked & chagrined because *shock horror* everyone's been lying to your face with pretty words with everything you want to hear as a direct result of your dictating it so... well... that would probably make you loose face...
Oh! I get it!
You're saying that to everyone because actually
you lie to everyone else's face. So,
to our face you say "
positive" things (and therefore prettied-up lies) but actually inside, or behind our backs, you actually think something else...
But, speaking what you actually mean if it's not in alignment with your pseudo beliefs, it must therefore be "
negative" and silenced to
reinforce your beliefs which you
actually don't truly believe in, otherwise you wouldn't be asking for EVERYONE'S opinions couched in threats because you
actually don't truly believe in them...
Glad we cleared that up!
Well, that does sound like a disaster waiting to happen, long term...
Was I being "
gee... I'm sorry...
I hope that works out for ya...
Let me know how that turns out for ya....
You have yourself a lovely day... cause I'm sure deep, deep inside your wishing that for me
Epilogue :
Ya know... a real friend, or person that actually loves you, will tell you the truth even if it's not what you want to hear from their opinions when asked...
Ya might want to rethink all the folks you just kicked to the curb...
But, perhaps by now, they might already assume you were being shallow, and the relationship ties you had were fake anyways... and, if they didn't want to reconnect with such a judgmental attitude in a bubble... I hate to break it to ya... but, nobody would blame them...
But, I guess what I'm getting at is... well... maybe one ought to rethink what it is you really want, who you really are, and ask yourself what
you really think? Have you actually done your due diligence?
Maybe, all it is... it's just fear...
Ya know, it's OK to admit you're afraid... even if it's afraid of making a mistake...