Showing posts with label Frederick's of Hollywood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Frederick's of Hollywood. Show all posts

Monday, June 9, 2014

Hit or Miss Bohemian 01

I spent about 2-3 hours getting my makeup just right, for this shoot... when the sun disappeared... it would come back, unexpectedly, but as soon as I got focus... well... u know... no more sun light...

You can see how dull & dingy my hair is... this was just before I started using argan oil products, that was a gift of sorts to me.

Then, as soon as I came back into the building, wouldn't you know? My necklace broke!

So... yeah, these are utterly horrid... sorry...

But, I tried....

Friday, June 6, 2014

Robed Bohemian 003

My sister-in-law came to visit, since the end of May, all the way from China. She gave me a "hong bao" (red envelope) which was a gift, so i spent my money at Target buying nutrition stuffs like products made of Moroccn argan oil... otherwise my hair would look incredibly dull & dingy...
So, I'm happy with these...

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Bohemian Portraits 001

At least some of these look a lil' bit better...

I still think it's not my best work tho'...

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Robed Bohemian 002

I admit, it's probably not my best work... but, at least it's something...

Monday, June 2, 2014

Robed Bohemian 001

Depending upon whatever your definition of "kimono" means I guess you COULD say: Yeah, that's a Kimono.

From my limited understanding of whatever "kimono" was supposed to mean,is that it means "clothes" or "clothing" in Japanese... but, despite my having watched hundreds of hours of Japanese films, movies, TV shows, I don't actually speak the language...

So..... I just call these my robes, because i have 2 of them. they are both vintage 2000/2001 robes made by sexy designer "Frederick's of Hollywood" which usually makes lingerie & sleepwear, among other things. And, I believe this was among the VERY first thing I'd EVER purchased with a bank card online, when online shopping was often considered risky, since the 1990s.

I used a secured service called "Yahoo Wallet" which encrypted your online translations. believe it or not, my first robe I purchased was the magenta/hot-pink robe, even tho' I hate pink... but, I felt the colors went well together, on the graphic printing. I also wrote my VERY first online customer review with them, and the vender was very professional, friendly, and polite, and even wrote me a personal thank you note/e-mail. So, i went back and purchased the 2nd, robe, which is the cyan/electric blue one.

Both robes were"Made In USA". Can u believe that? I still wear them all the time, and the quality is STILL excellent! Never fell apart, never wore out!

They don't make 'em like they used to....

Anyways, I'd been wanting to do something with my robes... but, I just can;t get down to play artsy-fartsy photography stuff with my friends in PA, yet... So many set-backs in my plans. Much to my frustration!

So, I desided to try a Bohemian flavor here... I'm on a bohemian theme kick still...