Showing posts with label red. Show all posts
Showing posts with label red. Show all posts

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Red n Black Fringe

Vintage stuff in red n black.(Wet Seal 2001)
Gonna do something w this somehow...

Midriffs/Choli & cocktail gown

The Mongolia Brocade Dress I Made

I'm moat likely going to disassemble this dress since I'm unhappy with it.

I will most likely incorporate it into my gahwazee coat.

Vintage Dusters

My vintage Dusters! I think I bought them anywhere from 1997-2001. I have more somewhere...

Friday, March 8, 2013

Tribal Fusion Old Costume 2009

Here's my old Tribal Bedleh (costume).

I think 1 of the 1st costumes you'll REALLY WANT is the big ATS 25 yards Gypsy skirt.

I couldn't deride if I wanted red or purple, but I shopped around for YEARS looking for the best deal. bargain/price.

So, my lil' brother gave me some money for my birthday that year, and I bought this skirt specially imported from India.

I got mine at this website, but I don't believe they sell satin gypsy skirts anymore.I'm not even sure they still sell 25 skirts anymore either.

For my bedleh (costumes) I''ve learned that even tho' for regular fashion "black is slimming" it is NOT flattering if you are showing lots of skin AND you are very, very fair skinned!

I would say, if you are curvy like I am, stay away from black & dark colors, because against the light color of your skin, it will cause an optical effect of making you look too fat. TOO FAT!

Here, you can see me wearing a very vintage early 1990s club/rave choli/top. Poet blouse ruffles! But, it's BLACK. See how the contrast of the dark & light colors of the skin color of my belly are against my dark black top? Makes my belly look TOO BIG.
Also, you can't see the shapeliness of my bust. Not a good look. But, it looks fine on the arms. So, that's something to keep in mind.

Black is VERY popular with Tribal dancers. But, unless you are the demure, athletic, or skinny type, I would advise against it. 

That's why, even tho' I LOVE Purple, most PURPLE colored costume items are DARK, or TOO dark, almost BLACK. So, I try to stick with lighter colors.

USE your round shape to your advantage! It makes the movements LOOK BETTER. It looks better to the eyes as well.

I have also found that RED looks VERY good on stage. There is SOMETHING about RED that catches the viewers' eyes. It's a POWER COLOR.  AND, it will also enhance your confidence.

In fact, if you lack confidence, I recommend taking bellydance classes, even for men.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Pyrating in Firey Red New England

Marshall Kändiß The Pyrate 

Another Photoshop 6.0 job.

Again, the original photograph was greenish because fall was too green in 2012.
By the way, no touch-ups on myself, just the foliage.

Self photographed in South Weymouth (Greater Boston).

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Monday, March 4, 2013

Pyrating In New England Red Foliage

Marshall Kändiß The Pyrate

So, now that I've used Photoshop for orange, since the real photos were green, why not go RED?

So, here it is!