Showing posts with label webcam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label webcam. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

2014: What an INSANE YEAR!

What an INSANE YEAR! And, by insane, I mean medically insane people EVERYWHERE! 
2014 was TERRIBLE!!!!!

Junkies (plural), druggies, corruption, thieves, hackers, back stabbers, psychotic folks, nosy people, fights, flame wars, car accidents, suicidal people, vandalism, racism, and all kinds of bullshit & frauds, shady business practices, ants, hornets, spiders, etc! Oh, and I'm NOT referring to the news, I MEAN IN MY PERSONAL LIFE! WTF!!!!!! 1 thing after another, often multiples of the same fucked-up things, like a never ending barrage of hate, violence, attack, spies, etc.

Am and SO glad that shit is over! -I hope! *knocks wood*

I could not get a damned thing done! EVER! My nerves were shot, and often times the LAST place I wanted to be was online, or to express anything about it publicly... I was just trying to keep my own scruples! Yuck!

Not only that, but I was constantly sick, stressed out, and either I had insomnia so bad, or I couldn't get out of bed.

Lets never do that again, OK? 

I am not making any plans, yet... I've been nursing my health... Finally got to go to see a chiropractor. It helps me SO MUCH! My lungs just WERE NOT HEALING since late September, and my asthma was terrible... but, the moment I got my first spinal adjustment last month, I could fill my whole lungs with breath, and could sleep.

I'm only finally at a point where I can get back to doing some yoga... but, I still need to be careful, and also stay out of the cold air...


So, why the new design?

Well, in 2013, when I first started this blog, they had the new "Dynamic View" template which was a design for pads or e-readers, like iPad, and Galaxy... but it was VERY limited in what content you could apply to it... Google made it seem as tho' they would be updating it, but, they never did...

Truthfully, this IS MY MOST POPULAR BLOG I have EVER CREATED in my whole entire history of blogging, or online journaling... Even with barely any posts for whole long periods during 2014, I still consistently got views, hits, readers, etc.

But, since the "dynamic view" format capped the amount of ads I could utilize, I lost out on so much revenue. That left me with one option, switch the format to an older scripting format. So, that's what happened. 

I'm sorry it won't load as quickly in the e-readers, but even mega successful armchair bloggers don't use e-reader formatting, just the old stuff.

So, I've been reprogramming this whole blog... and programming is just NOT my strong point, so there's limits to what I can do...

I will ALSO be expanding my monetization horizons. Look,that's just the way it is... I put SO MUCH WORK into this blog, so there's no reason why I shouldn't expand my options, ya know?

Luckily, the traffic to this blog is decent.

And, I can also program my other internet content strait into this blog format, where as the other format would block much of the external content/widgets. It was VERY frustrating as a blogger.

Anyways, I'm very grateful to Google, as a contractor, but, I still want more options... ya know?

Now, I can get my Flattr widgets to work. No more glitching. I can share more content, easily, and even work around the limits with Google/Google+ connections.


I've also started a Bohemian/Boho Chic Hippie-ish themed blog... but, since Google won't let me monetize it until 6 months form now, I scheduled the posts to post much later.. Right now, the posts showing on it are pretty much nothing...

Oh, and my Music Blog finally got the green light for monetization! W00t!

However, at this moment, as I'm typing this,both of those blogs are quite terrible, and need some tweeking.... I know, they stink.

But, based on what I got done with this blog today, I think both will turn out really well once I get around to them.

And, that brings me to Instagram.

My Instagram is getting popular again. I went through it in 2012-2013... but, it died down, and then this year (2015) it started back up again.

So, go follow me on Instagram: BlackUniGryphon


Monday, April 8, 2013

Pirate Preview (Webcam)

A lil preview... These arte webcam, but I'll be doing DSLR

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Webcam in the Morning

No Makup
Marshall Kändiß The Pyrate
Webcam In The morning...
I think I shot this last month for video thumbnail... Nothing special...

Friday, March 15, 2013

Boobquake 01 (political statement)

Boobquake 2010
Boobquake was a political statement in response to sexist religious clerics that blames earthquakes on women dressing "too sexy" that was organized, starting online, and took place on April 26th, 2010.

It WAS NOT, and IS NOT, porn.

I participated in this event. Here are my original graphics.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Double Roses like Ozma 2010

Here's some old webcam photos I found from 2010.

Double roses like Ozma!

Tribal Fusion Old Costume 2009

Here's my old Tribal Bedleh (costume).

I think 1 of the 1st costumes you'll REALLY WANT is the big ATS 25 yards Gypsy skirt.

I couldn't deride if I wanted red or purple, but I shopped around for YEARS looking for the best deal. bargain/price.

So, my lil' brother gave me some money for my birthday that year, and I bought this skirt specially imported from India.

I got mine at this website, but I don't believe they sell satin gypsy skirts anymore.I'm not even sure they still sell 25 skirts anymore either.

For my bedleh (costumes) I''ve learned that even tho' for regular fashion "black is slimming" it is NOT flattering if you are showing lots of skin AND you are very, very fair skinned!

I would say, if you are curvy like I am, stay away from black & dark colors, because against the light color of your skin, it will cause an optical effect of making you look too fat. TOO FAT!

Here, you can see me wearing a very vintage early 1990s club/rave choli/top. Poet blouse ruffles! But, it's BLACK. See how the contrast of the dark & light colors of the skin color of my belly are against my dark black top? Makes my belly look TOO BIG.
Also, you can't see the shapeliness of my bust. Not a good look. But, it looks fine on the arms. So, that's something to keep in mind.

Black is VERY popular with Tribal dancers. But, unless you are the demure, athletic, or skinny type, I would advise against it. 

That's why, even tho' I LOVE Purple, most PURPLE colored costume items are DARK, or TOO dark, almost BLACK. So, I try to stick with lighter colors.

USE your round shape to your advantage! It makes the movements LOOK BETTER. It looks better to the eyes as well.

I have also found that RED looks VERY good on stage. There is SOMETHING about RED that catches the viewers' eyes. It's a POWER COLOR.  AND, it will also enhance your confidence.

In fact, if you lack confidence, I recommend taking bellydance classes, even for men.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Hatless Pyrate Wench Kändiß 2011 Webcam

Pyrate Marshall Kändiß
Hatless 2011

Shot on my old webcam after some festival or event. Can't recall which one, tho'.

 My vintage peasant top from "Wet Seal" I purchased in Braintree (MA) in 2002.

Back in the day when we had that stuff... um, you know...
-what's it called?

Oh, yeah: Money!

That stuff!


Pusa huanyin guo ling!
Nan wu e-mi tou fuo!


And yoga matts behind me!
