Showing posts with label peasant top. Show all posts
Showing posts with label peasant top. Show all posts

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Hatless Pyrate Wench Kändiß 2011 Webcam

Pyrate Marshall Kändiß
Hatless 2011

Shot on my old webcam after some festival or event. Can't recall which one, tho'.

 My vintage peasant top from "Wet Seal" I purchased in Braintree (MA) in 2002.

Back in the day when we had that stuff... um, you know...
-what's it called?

Oh, yeah: Money!

That stuff!


Pusa huanyin guo ling!
Nan wu e-mi tou fuo!


And yoga matts behind me!


Hatless Pirate Wench Webcam Photos

Marshall Kändiß The Pyrate: Hatless Wench

I seriously must've been had fun that day! I look crazy worn-out!

I wish I could remember which event this was taken after.

Maybe The Moon Festival in Quincy (MA). 

Shot these on my old webcam.
Vintage peasant top from "Wet Seal" that I bought sometimes around 2002 in Braintree (MA).