And, I guess I have a "hero complex" or a "heroic archetype" of a personality, that I just can't stand to see helpless individuals undergo horrible things, situations, etc...
Unfortunately... if you've ever watched "Game of Thrones" and know what happened when Daenerys went out of her way to help amend some injustices, and help some people, they pretty much turned on her later on in utter ingratitude, and made Hell in her life needlessly, and tragically in the first season.
So, that's what pretty much occurred on my end, just in a different way...
So, if I look like I've been through Hell.... yeah, it's kinda something like that....
But, that's OK... because when it's all done, and over with, it'll be a whole other situation for... well, can't say. But, I'll be the one with some dragons, so to speak (metaphorically).
Ridicule from people that can't be bothered doesn't mean Jack to me. Because all the ridicule u can spew out won't change what I understand, and doesn't evaporate truth.
I understand what "lazy" really is. And, there's a difference between lazy and exhaustion + stress... and if I'm the lazy one, then why is it I'm so exhausted from all the "work" I did. It's called due diligence by some, if not many
I've done MORE homework just THIS year, than I have done in all the years on my entire life combined. But, this genie can't stay in the bottle.
Again, sorry for being cryptic... but, I'm heading in a good direction now. And, when my ship comes in, I'm gonna help quite a bit of people that truly deserve it.
I couldn't care less about revenge... I'll be too busy with all the good stuff. :D And, by good, I'm not talking some selfish egotistical self-centered something. I mean, I'm gonna do quite a bit to help the people I love.
That's about all I can say... legally.
But, here's some more music:
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