Showing posts with label sofa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sofa. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Hmmm... Should I Order Pizza???? By Sword Point?

 Ho hum...

Nothing on the TV...  to pirate...

I think I should go pillage something...

I need some rum...
So.... lemme get this strait... you always ask me to e-mail you, so I do... then, after I e-mail you, you never even reply me...

But, whenever I see you, you have the nerve to ask: "Why don't you ever e-mail me?" or "E-mail me!!!"

Oh, really?
Talk to the hand!
Marshall Kändiß is NOT amused!

You disappoint me!

Oh... you miss me, but you couldn't be bothered to spend time with me?

But, when it's convenient for YOU, we're suddenly friends, so how dare I question you???

The Marshall Kändiß has no times for your nonsense!

The next time she's feeling gullible enough to fall for your nonsense she'll get back to you...

Oh... you think you're being funny...

I think I'll grab my sword in a moment and have ye walk the plank...
Oh? You were a Pirate for Halloween?


I was a Pirate at Comic Con & a number of fairs & festivals....
Not a big deal... 

Ho hum...

 Ho hum...

Sofa Pirate!

Pirating this sofa!!!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Reading Glasses (Wide Angle)

Wide angle fisheye lens...