Monday, April 8, 2013

Pirates Like To Read Books Too

Avast ye scurvy curs! The Marshall requires silence!

Pirate Preview (Webcam)

A lil preview... These arte webcam, but I'll be doing DSLR

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Red Koolaid Dipped Hair

So, I've been sick... My spouse went to China, and I got REALLY sick! All that and Healthcare got ALL WEIRD!

So, that left me to try and find ways to amuse my daughter alone... that's how my hair got Koolaid dipped...

 It only cost me 22¢!

I haven't gotten ANYTHING done...

I just don't feel well... and, I also had a number of things I MUST do, or deal with...

it's crazy!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Some Skirts

Not sure it the black n white skirt it piratey enough... But, I'll probably use the blue one. Got a number of skirts...

Vintage Leather

The black pants are really old. Maybe created in 1994, but I got them on sale for my 16th birthday.

I am planning to disassemble them n refurbish them. I don't like the 80s/90s khaki cut look, n they were made by Wilson leather cut for men's hips, not women's.

The leather top is vintage 2001, popularized style worn by Aaliyah before she died from Wet Seal.

Blue Custom Dragon Qipao From Manchuria

I'm sorta sick of always blue qipao dresses! This one was custom made for me in China. It's slightly blue-green.

But it's not really what I wanted. Anything I actually liked, everyone would veto. So, I got stuck w this. No one in the family even likes it either. No one lets me wear it anywhere.

But, Westerners think it's dandy. Whatever... 

I already have another qipao that's blue....

Also, this is probably the most expensive item of clothing I own.